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Database Development with JDeveloper

This tutorial shows you how to use JDeveloper to perform online and offline database development. You learn to create a logical model using a UML class diagram and transform it to a physical model. You also reverse engineer database definitions and use a table template for creating new table definitions.
Using Subversion as versioning tool, you compare various defintions of a component. You also learn how to create and test PL/SQL objects in the database.

Approximately 50 minutes.


The tutorial covers the following topics:

Create the Model Project
Use a UML Class Model to do Logical Modeling
Transform the Class Model into a Database Model
Reverse Engineer Database into a Database Model
Version the Application
Compare Logical and Physical Model
Compare Versioned Copies of Database Objects
Create Table Templates
Create a Database Report
Creating and Debugging PL/SQL Objects in the Database

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Note: Alternatively, you can place the cursor over an individual icon in the following steps to load and view only the screenshot associated with that step. You can hide an individual screenshot by clicking it.


The tutorial uses the database features of JDeveloper to:

Model Classes and transform them in Database definitions
Reverse engineer database definitions into a database model
Use Subversion as the versioning tool
Compare logical and physical database model
Compare versioned copies of database objects
Create and use a table template definition
Create a customized report
Create, test and debug PL/SQL objects in the database

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As a database designer you have been asked to review portions of the current production schema, make some updates, extend it and carry out an audit and start to set standards for future database development. Using the UML class diagram, you create the logical model and then transform it to a physical model.

You have been assigned the task of updating the database by making some small changes to the Fusion Order Demo schema, and creating a new database table. You have also been asked to create some PL/SQL objects in the database and then test them.

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Before starting the tutorial, you should:


Have access to or have installed Oracle JDeveloper 11g Version You can download it from Oracle Technology Network.



Have access to or have installed the Oracle Fusion schema.

This OBE uses the FOD Fusion Order Demo schema. For downloading and installing the Sample Schema follow the instructions available at the following location:




Start JDeveloper by selecting Start > All Programs > Oracle Fusion Middleware > JDeveloper Studio

If the Migrate User Settings dialog box opens, click NO.

When prompted for a User Role, choose Database Edition.

Close the Oracle Usage Tracking prompt and the Tip of the Day window.



The JDeveloper IDE should now be displayed.

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Creating the Model Project

When you work in JDeveloper, you organize your work in projects within applications. JDeveloper provides a number of predefined templates which enable you to create applications and projects that are configured for developing different types of applications.
The templates provide the environment for the basic range of technologies supported by JDeveloper. You create your working environment by selecting the template that best fits your needs and then configuring it to add any additional technologies you intend to use. The options available to you in the New Gallery and for some context menu operations, depend on your template selection for that application.

This topic guides you through creating an application and a project without using any predefined template, then you customize the project to enable you to utilize JDeveloper's database functionality.


In the Applications Navigator, click the New Application link.



In the Create Generic Application dialog, change the Application Name from Application1 to DBModeling. Notice that the Directory Name automatically changes to match the new Application Name.

Make sure that the Generic Application template is selected then click Next.


In Step 2 of the Wizard enter LogicalModel as the Project Name and from the Project Technologies tab, select Database (Offline) and UML, then click to shuttle it into the Selected pane.

Click Finish.


Save your work by clicking Save All . You should save your work at regular intervals as you progress through the rest of the tutorial.

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Using a UML Class Model to do Logical Modeling

In this section you are going to recreate part of the Fusion Order Demo Class Model. You will then transform the model to a database model and compare the table definitions with those reverse engineered from the live database

The topics below guide you through creating a UML Class diagram.

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Preparing a Class Model Diagram Environment

To prepare the diagram environment, perform the following steps:


Right-click the Model project in the Applications Navigator and choose New from the context menu to display the New Gallery.



In the Categories list, expand General if it is not already expanded, and select Diagrams. Then select Class Diagram from the Items list and click OK.


In the Create Class Diagram dialog, change the Name to Logical Database and the Package name to logicalmodel, then click OK.

A new database diagram opens.



Set some class diagram preferences, select Tools -> Preferences



In the Preferences dialog, select Diagrams -> Class, and in the Edit Preferences for, choose Class, and uncheck Show Operations as we are doing logical DB modeling and don’t need operations.



Click the Attributes tab, and uncheck Show Visibility as that is not needed and turn off Sort Alphabetically.

Click OK. These preferences will be set for all Class diagrams.



Notice the Component Palette to the right of the diagram area. The Component Palette provides the elements available for you to use on this diagram. If the Component Palette is not visible, open it by choosing Component Palette from the View menu.

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Creating a Class Model Diagram

Look at the following image showing the classes to create: Product Base, Warehouse, Warehouse Stock Level. You can see that each product is stocked at many warehouses

To create the diagram, perform the following steps:


In the Component Palette, select the Class component and drag and drop it it onto the diagram.

Change the name to Product Base.



Repeat the above operation to create 2 additional classes named Warehouse and Warehouse Stock Level.


Using in place edit, add attributes to classes. In the Product Base class, click once to select the place (goes blue) click again to enter edit mode (don’t double click) and over-write in format <att name>:<DB type> for Name : String



Repeat the above operation to create the attributes as per following image:



Double click within the Product Base class to edit the properties. Expanding the Owned Attribute node shows the created attributes.

You can try to expand the Name node and explore the various definable properties. Click OK to exit.



In the Component Palette, click the 1 to * Association icon , then click within the Product Base class and drawing a line, click within the WarehouseStockLevels class.

Double click the association to open the Properties and expanding the Owned End node, enter stocked at and of as names.

Click OK.



Repeat the above step, for a 1 to * Association between Warehouse and WarehouseStockLevels, and name it holder of and at.



Your diagram should look like this:

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Enhancing the Class Model

You have been asked to update this class model and transform the new classes into DB tables. As you can see from the existing class model, the WarehouseStock Level class records the Quantity on Hand for a Product at each Warehouse.

To create the diagram, perform the following steps:


Select Warehouse StockLevel and click in the line underneath Quantity on Hand to add another attribute: Reorder Level: Number. Add another attribute Reorder Quantity: Number



From the Component Palette, add a new class to the diagram and name it Stock Reorder.


Using in place edit, add 2 attributes to the class. Add attributes Date Reordered: Date and Date Delivered: Date.



In the Component Palette, click the 1 to * Association icon , then click within the Warehouse class and drawing a line, click within the Stock Reorder class.

Click the endWarehouse association and change the Name field to replenish by.

Click anywhere in the diagram to deselect the association, then click within the endWarehouse end association and in the Property Inspector enter the following Name: replenish by.

Click the endStock Reorder association end and in the Property Inspector enter the following text: reordered for.



Repeat the above step to create an association between Warehouse Stock Level and Stock Reorder and name the association on behalf of and the association ends respectively recipient of and on behalf of.



Your diagram should now look like the following:



From the Component Palette, add a new class to the diagram and name it Manual.

Add an attribute: Reorder Quantity: Number



Using the Generalization icon from the Component Palette, draw a line from the Manual class to the Stock Reorder one.



From the Component Palette, add a new class to the diagram and name it Automatic.



Using the Generalization icon from the Component Palette, draw a line from the Automatic class to the Stock Reorder one.

Stock Reorder is the generalization class for Manual and Automatic. We can also implement this concept in a 'Database oriented representation' using subtypes.



Select the Manual class and drop it within the Stock Reorder one.



Even if the model can accept having a mixed representation of generalization using in and out combination, it is recommended to choose a convention (in or out) and stick with it consistently to make the models more readable.
Select the Automatic class and drop it within the Stock Reorder one. The two subclasses within the superclass is just a visual effect. There is no semantic change to the model.

The two generalizations represent the possible ways that stock is reordered. In database modeling terminology these are two subtypes of Stock Reorder.



Change the layout out of your diagram to make it look like this:

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To create the database diagram, perform the following steps:


From the Main Menu select Edit --> Select All to select all classes in the diagram.



Right click within any class and from context select Transform --> New Diagram.


In the Transform dialog, select UML to Offline Database Objects. If we had opened JDeveloper with another role, than the Database Edition role, we would then have other options to choose from.

Click OK.



In the Offline Database Objects from UML Class Model dialog, click the New button next to the Offline Database field.

In the Create Offline Database dialog, enter StockLevel as name and FOD as default schema.

Click OK.



Back to the previous dialog, select Default Schema and click Next.



Check the following options:

  • Capitalize the UML name
    • Insert underscores between lower and uppercase letters
  • Attempt to pluralize table names
  • Invert UML association

Click Next.



Select the Transform only root classes, inheriting from specialized classes option.

Click Next.



Expand STOCK_REORDERS, see that column STOCK_REORDERS_TYPE is added as a discriminator for handling MANUAL or AUTOMATIC subtypes.

Click Next then Finish.



In the Create Database Diagram dialog, enter LogicalDBModel as name and leave the default logicalmodel package name.

Click OK.



From the main menu, select Edit --> Select All then right click in any table and select Optimize Shape Size --> Height and Width.

The new diagram should now look something like this:


Right click in diagram surface and choose the Lay Out Shapes --> Hierarchical (Left to Right) option for a new presentation.



Right click on an association and from the context select Select All This Type, right click again and select Straighten Lines.



Your diagram should look like this:

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Now we are going to take definitions from a database schema and create an offline representation of it in a new project. Prior to reverse engineer a database schema, you need to create a database connection.

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Creating a Database Connection

To create a database connection to the FOD schema, perform the following steps:


In the Application Navigator, open the Application Resources accordion. Right click the Connections node and select New Connection --> Database.


In the Create Database Connection, enter the following values:

Connection Name FOD
UserName fod
Password fusion
Deploy Password checked
Driver thin
Host Name localhost
JDBC Port 1521
SID or Service Name ORCL/XE

Click the Test Connection button.

If the database is available and the connection details are correct, you see Success! in the Status window then click OK.

If an error occurs, verify the settings, make any changes necessary, and then retest the connection. If you still cannot connect, there may be a problem with the database, or it may not be running.


A new Database entry appears in the Application Resources navigator. Expand the Database node to see the FOD connection you just created.

4. Save your work by clicking Save All .

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Reverse Engineer Database Components into a Database Model

To reverse engineer database tables from the FOD schema into a database model, perform the following steps:


We want to create a separate project to partition our logical and physical models. From the Main Menu select File--> New.



In the New Gallery, expanding the General node, select the Projects category and Generic Project as item.

Click OK.


In the Project Name enter PhysicalModel and shuttle Database (offline) in the Selected technology

Click Finish.



In the Application Navigatorn right click the PhysicalModel project and select New from context.



In the New Gallery, select Diagrams and Database Diagram.

Click OK.



In the Create Database Diagram dialog, type FOD_Physical as the name and physicalmodel as the Package name.

Click OK.



Open the Application Resources accordion and expand Connections --> Database --> FOD --> Tables nodes and multi select PRODUCTS_BASE, WAREHOUSES, WAREHOUSE_STOCK_LEVELS. Drop the selected tables onto the diagram surface to import them.



In the Specify Location dialog, select the Copy Objects to Project option and click the New button next to the Offline Database field.

In the Create Offline Database, enter FOD_Physical as name, FOD as default schema, and uncheck the initialize default templates option.

Click OK, then OK again.



Right click within the diagram and select Lay Out Shapes --> Row from context.

Click OK.



In the WAREHOUSES table, add a column STOCK_VALUE: NUMBER(15,2).

Move the column under WAREHOUSE_NAME.

Note that (stock_value = (quantity on hand of each product) x (cost price)) and it could be implemented in a number of different ways.



Save your work by clicking Save All .



Your diagram should look like this:

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In many enterprises a source code management repository is used to store all application code and documentation - including database design. The offline database model can then be accessed and used as the single point of truth during both development and maintenance phases. In this tutorial we will create a 'test' local subversion repository to demonstrate how JDEV can be used to compare different versions of database models. Note that in real life a full Subversion (SVN) repository should be created - for full details on creating and securing your SVN repository see http://svnbook.red-bean.com/


In the main menu, select Versioning --> Create Local Repository



In the Create Subversion Repository dialog, enter repository a new repository path, and specify a connection name: MyRepository.



Note that the Versioning Navigator opens. Click the Subversion node to see the new repository listed.



Right click the Local Test Repository and select New Remote Directory from context.



In the Create Remote Directory dialog, enter trunk as directory name and main root folder for applications as the comment.

Click OK.


The SVN Console Log shows the statement issued for this command.

A new entry is created in the Versioning Navigator.



From the Main Menu, select Versioning --> Version Application.



In the Import Subversion wizard, click Next to skip the Welcome page, and in step 2 select MyRepository as the repository connection and trunk as the path.

Click Next.



In step 3, the location for the current workspace comes as default and add Versioned DB Modeling application as comments.

Click Next. Notice the list on the right which is the default filters that do apply when you import an application (for instance compiled classes are not imported see the '**/classes/**' entry).
Click Next again in Step4.



In the Options page, select Perform Checkout.

Click Next, then Finish. The process of importing files to Subversion control starts.



The Application Navigator should now look like the following:

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JDeveloper's allow you to compare object definitions. Since the objects to be compared are in separate projects, you need to create a dependency between them to be able to perform this comparison. To compare definitions, perform the following steps:


First let's create a dependency between the LogicalModel project and the PhysicalModel project. Right click the LogicalModel project node and select Project Properties from context.

Click the Dependencies node and click the Edit Dependencies button.

In the Edit Dependencies dialog, check the Build Output checkbox of the PhysicalModel project.

Click OK, then click OK again.



Next create a dependency between the two offline databases (StockLevel and FOD_Physical) . Right click the offline database StockLevel from theLogicalModel | Offline Data Sources, and select Properties from context.

Select the Dependencies node, then click the Add button and in the Offline Database dialog, select PhysicalModel project and FOD_Physical as the offline database.

Click OK then OK again.



Right click StockLevel as the offline database sources and select menu Copy to Project.

'Copy to Project' allows you to copy, compare or merge DB objects from a 'source' database (either offline or online) with another offline database. In this example comparing the StockLevel offline DB with the FOD_Physical offline DB. To do the same from a source database with another online database use the menu option 'Generate'.



In the Copy Database Objects to a Project wizard, select Source from project and ensure StockLevel offline database is selected.

Click Next.



In the following step, select PhysicalModel as the Project and FOD_Physical as the Offline Database.

Click Next.



In the Object Picker page, select STOCK_REORDERS and WAREHOUSE_STOCK_LEVELS and using the right arrow button, shuttle them in the selected pane.

Click Next.



In the Choose Operation page, select ALTER and manual reconcile. Note that this allows us to preview any changes we are making to the Physical model.

Then Next.



Review all the possible changes. Note the differences between the logical and the physical model.



Note that the STOCK_REORDERS table doesn't exist in the physical model, and that differences are detected on the WAREHOUSE_STOCK_LEVELS tables.



Investigate more in details the WAREHOUSE_STOCK_LEVELS differences. (for example, the quantity_on_hand column doesn't have the correct number precision in the logical model, and there are no audit columns in the WAREHOUSE_STOCK_LEVELS logical table)



For each column in the logical model for the WAREHOUSE_STOCK_LEVELS that doesn't exist in the physical model shuttle it using the right arrow button.

Note the (add) comment in each of the newly added column in the physical side.



Also shuttle the STOCK_REORDERS table in the physical model.

Click Next.



Review the Summary report and click Finish.



The STOCK_REORDERS table is now appearing in the Application Navigator.



Reopen the FOD_Physical.db diagram. Note that the new columns now appear in the WAREHOUSE_STOCK_LEVELS table as the diagram just represents the offline object.



From the Navigator, select STOCK_REORDERS and drop it onto the diagram surface.



Right click in the diagram and select Lay Out Shapes --> Row.



Your diagram should look like the following:


19. Save you work.

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Versioning components allows you to browse through the historical changes of a component and make comparison between these versions. To compare versioned definitions, perform the following steps:


First we need to update the Subversion repository with all the changes made to the application. From the main menu select Versioning | Pending Changes.



The Pending Changes window displays the status of the various components. The Outgoing tab contains a list of those new files and all the other files that have been changed since last commit. Note if the Pending Changes menu is greyed out, select any app node in navigator and try again.


Click the Candidates tab to see all the new files added to the application that are not yet under version control. The STOCK_REORDERS table is not versioned yet.



From the main menu, select Versioning | Commit Working Copy.



In the Commit Working Copy dialog, click OK.

Best practice when versioning is to always add a comment when doing a commit.



Click the Candidates tab, select the STOCK_REORDERS table and click the Add button to move the STOCK_REORDERS in the outgoing tab.



In the Outgoing tab, select the STOCK_REORDERS table and click the Commit button to version the table. (This is another way to version an element under Subversion.)

In the Commit Resources dialog, click OK to commit.



Now we're ready to compare the changes we have made to warehouse_stock_levels between the different versions. In the application navigator right click on warehouse_stock_levels and select Compare with--> Other revision from context.



In the top pane select the first revision (lowest number) on one side and the Working copy on the other side. In the bottom pane expand the nodes and see the changes between the current save copy in the IDE and that earlier revision.



Save your work.

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In this topic you create a table template to ensure all future tables have audit columns by default. To implement this functionality, perform the following steps:


In the Applications Navigator, right-click the PhysicalModel node and select New from the context menu.



In the New Gallery,select the Database Tier | Offline Database Objects as Category, and Offline Database as Item.

Click OK.


In the Create Offline Database dialog, name the offline database DB_TEMPLATES and the default schema TEMPLATES.

Click OK.


The new database appears in the Navigator.


Right click the DB_TEMPLATE and select Properties from context.



In the Edit Offline Database dialog, select the Default Templates node. Select TEMPLATES for both default schema and schema and select Tables as object.

Click the Add button next to the Name field.



In the Create Table dialog, enter Template_Table as Name and change the existing Column1 column characteristic for Number and Primary Key.

Click the Advanced check box.


Click the Primary Key node and see that COLUMN1 is primary key.



Select Column Sequences and check Populate Column from a Sequence on insert. Leave the default names generated as Sequence Name and Trigger. Note that it names the sequence and trigger TEMPLATE_TABLE_xxx to match the table name.

Click OK. Click OK again.



Save your work.



Double click the TEMPLATE_TABLE_TRG entry to edit the file content.

See the PL/SQL code generated:



Create a dependency between offline databases, right click the FOD_Physical node and select Properties from context.



In the Edit Offline Database, select Dependencies and click the Add button .


The DB_TEMPLATES database is already selected. Click OK.

This sets up a dependency to allow the FOD_Physical to use the templates in the DB_TEMPLATES offline DB.
In the Edit Offline Database, select Default Templates and Tables. Then, from the drop down list, select TEMPLATES as the schema , and choose TEMPLATE_TABLE as the name.

Click OK.


Open the FOD_Physical diagram. Note that all the original tables include audit columns (CREATED_BY, CREATION_DATE, LAST_UPDATED_BY, LAST_UPDATE_DATE) The template table needs to include these columns too.


Drag and drop the TEMPLATE_TABLE from navigator onto the diagram.



Go to the WAREHOUSES table in the diagram, and use [Ctrl]+click to select the four audit columns. If you cannot see the audit columns, position your mouse on the right-hand side of the table so that a vertical scroll bar appears. Scroll down until you see the audit columns.


18. Drag the four selected columns onto the diagram and use [Ctrl]+drop onto the template table to copy the columns.

Save your work.

Notice that when you drag columns onto a table you have to use [Ctrl] or [Shift] on the drop as follows:

  • to copy columns: drag and [Ctrl] + drop
  • to move cols: drag and [Shift] +drop

Right click on TEMPLATE_TABLE in the diagram and select Cut to remove from the diagram. The template table is now ready for any new tables that need creating.



Test by creating a new table in the diagram. Drag and drop the Table button from the Component Palette onto the diagram, and see if defaults columns are created.



In the Specify Location dialog, check Application Project for the FOD_Physical offline database.

Click OK.



The table is created with the template table definition. Including audit columns and primary key. Notice the sequence and trigger files created as well in the navigator.

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Creating a Database Report

JDeveloper offers a wide range of pre-built reports that you can use, but it offers also the possibility to create your own customized reports. To create a report that lists the tables not having audit columns, perform the following steps:


In the Applications Navigator, right-click the PhysicalModel project and select New from the context menu.



In the New Gallery, expand Database Tier in the Categories list and select Offline Database Objects. In the Items list, select Report and click OK.


In the Create Report dialog, enter missing audit column as the Name.


In the Offline Database tab, select FOD_Physical.


Click on the Query Definition tab. In the SQL pane, copy and paste the following statement:


this query returns table name for each table that does not contain a CREATION_DATE column. Click the Check Syntax button to validate the query.



Expand the Query Definition node and open all subsequent nodes to see how the query could be build.



Select Publish Report, (by default the report is just output to the log window) select HTML, Output file name = missingauditcolreport, all others leave as default

click OK.


The new report definition appears in the Application Navigator. Save your work. Right click missing audit column and select Run from context.

The report starts executing.



The Log window displays the report results.



Because you selected 'html'. when the report is run an html version of the report is generated and appears in the Application Navigator. Double click missingauditcolreport to open it.

Then you can add CSS, edit the report and circulate to appropriate team members or publish in central location or whatever.

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Creating and Debugging PL/SQL Objects in the Database

JDeveloper enables you to create, edit, test, and debug stored PL/SQL in the database, including object types, packages, procedures, functions, and triggers. One way to do this is to create a SQL script as a file in JDeveloper and then run that script against the database. Another way is to create a PL/SQL object directly in the database.

In the topics below you create an object type, order_items_rec, that defines an order item record layout. You then create a package containing a function, get_order_items, that returns an order item record defined by order_items_rec. Finally you create the package body to execute the query and populate order_items_rec. You test the package using JDeveloper's debug functionality.

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Granting FOD with debug privilege

Before being able to use the debugging function, you need to grant FOD with the corresponding authorization.


To set the privilege to FOD select Tools | Database | SQL Worksheet from the main menu.



In the Select Connection dialog, click OK to accept the FOD(DBModeling) connection.


In the SQL Worksheet window, enter connect system/oracle; (provide the system name and password allowing you to issue DBA statements in your environment). Then enter grant debug connect session to fod;


Click the Execute Script icon to execute both statements.

The Script Output window should report no errors.

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Running a SQL Script to Create an Object Type


To create the SQL script, right-click the PhysicalModel project in the Applications Navigator and choose New to open the New Gallery.



In the Categories list, expand Database Tier and select Database Files, then select SQL File in the Items list. Click OK.


In the Create SQL File dialog, change the File Name to order_items_rec.sql and click OK.

The new empty file opens in the code editor.


Copy the code below and paste it into the source pane:


show errors;


Click the SQL Worksheet tab, and then select the FOD connection.

Click the Run Script icon.


The Script Output window should report no errors.

Click Save All to save your changes.


In the Application Resources pane, in the Connections Navigator, expand the Database| FOD | Types nodes to find the new object type, ORDER_ITEMS_REC.

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Creating a PL/SQL Package

You have just seen how you can create a PL/SQL object by first creating a script and then running it against the database. In this topic you create the PL/SQL package ORDER_ITEMS_FETCH directly in the database.


Click the Databases tab to open the Database Navigator, (select View | Database | Database Navigator from the main menu if it is not already open). In the Database Navigator, expand the DBModeling node, and the FOD node. Right-click the Packages node and choose New Package from the context menu.



In the Create PL/SQL Package dialog, set the package name to ORDER_ITEMS_FETCH, then click OK.

The ORDER_ITEMS_FETCH package opens in the Code Editor.



In the Code Editor for the ORDER_ITEMS_FETCH package, type the following code between the two existing lines, to create the get_order_items function:

FUNCTION get_order_items
(order_id_no IN NUMBER,
line_item_id_no IN NUMBER)




Click the Save icon in the toolbar to save your amended package. The package displays in the navigator, meaning that it is now in the database.



Right click the ORDER_ITEMS_FETCH entry and select Create Body from the context menu.



The package body template opens in the Code Editor.



In the Code Editor for the ORDER_ITEMS_FETCH package body, enter the following code that executes the query and populates the order_items_found record. (Enter only the bold, non-italicised code. Tthe code in italics is already there; it is reproduced here to provide the context).


FUNCTION get_order_items(order_id_no IN NUMBER,
line_item_id_no IN NUMBER)

order_items_found order_items%rowtype;
order_items_rtn order_items_rec;

/* TODO implementation required */

INTO order_items_found
FROM order_items
WHERE order_items.order_id=order_id_no
-- and order_items.line_item_id = line_item_id_no;

order_items_rtn := order_items_rec
RETURN order_items_rtn;
END get_order_items;

(Note: Delete the line RETURN NULL;)



In the Code Editor window, under the commented line, start entering the following statement
and order_items.line_item_id = line_item_id_no;
to see how to use JDeveloper's code insight feature.
Type and order_items. and see, as you type, the popup windows helping you to select the appropriate syntax to complete the statement.



Click the Compile icon to compile the package body.

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Testing and Debugging the PL/SQL Function


In the Code Editor, click inside the left margin by the Return statement to set a breakpoint.



In the Database Navigator, right click the ORDER_ITEMS_FETCH package and select Compile for Debug from context.



In the Database Navigator, right click the ORDER_ITEMS_FETCH package and select Debug from context.



In the Debug PL/SQL dialog, make the following changes, so that the order id number 1001 and line item id number 2 is displayed:

Change the line
ORDER_ID_NO := 1001;

Change the line

Uncomment and change the line
--DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('v_Return = ' || v_Return);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('v_Return = Product_id: ' || v_Return.product_id || ' Qty: ' || v_Return.quantity ||' Price: '|| v_Return.unit_price);

Click OK. If a Window Security Alert warning pops up, click Unblock.



The Debugging Log window shows that execution of the package is stopped.

Select the Data tab in the Log window next to the Debug tab, or open it selecting View | Debugger | Data from the Main menu.



In the Data pane, expand the ORDER_ITEMS_FOUND node. All the values for the retrieved row are displayed.



In the Debugging toolbar, click the Resume button to terminate the package execution.



The log window displays the output of the get_order_items() function in the ORDER_ITEMS_FETCH package.



In the Code Editor window, click the red button in the left margin to remove the breakpoint and recompile the package using the Compile button.


You've successfully completed this OBE.

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In this tutorial, you used some of the database features of JDeveloper. You modeled classes and converted them in database definitions using a database diagram, you created a new table templat.Next you modeled online objects from the database, manipulating them in the diagram. You used Subversion as the versioning tool and compared versioned definitions of a component. You created a customized report querying the database. You then created a SQL script for generating the offline changes to the database. You also ran a SQL script to create an object type in the database and created a PL/SQL package directly in the database and tested them from within JDeveloper.

You've learned how to:


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