Compilatorul Turbo C++ Lite Compiler (TCLITE) se distribuie impreuna cu cartea " Totul despre C si C++. Manualul Fundamental de programare in C si C++", autori Kris Jamsa si Lars Klander , Editura TEORA , 2004 ISBN 973-601-911-X

Acest compilator este destinat in mod exclusiv invatarii limbajului C si C++ si nu dezvoltarii unor programe de uz comercial. Programele pot fi rulate doar in mediul integrat de dezvoltare TCLITE.

Arhiva "Compilator_c_lite.ace " contine doar compilatorul de C si C++ TCLITE nu si exemplele de programe din cartea mai sus mentionata.

Inainte de a descarca aceasta arhiva cititi cu atentie nota de mai jos care indica maniera de instalare si restrictiile de utilizare ale compilatorului TCLITE.

Installing the Borland Turbo C++ Lite Compiler

To help you get started with C++ programming, Borland International has let Jamsa Press include the Turbo C++ Lite compiler on the CD-ROM that accompanies this book . As you will learn, the Turbo C++ Lite compiler is an MS-DOS-based program.

* The Turbo C++ Lite compiler is an MS-DOS-based compiler.

* Using the Turbo C++ Lite compiler, you can create and edit your C++ program statements, saving the statements to a source file on your disk.

* After you create your C++ source file, you can use the Turbo C++ Lite compiler to compile your program statements into the ones and zeros the computer can execute.

* Using the Turbo C++ Lite compiler, you can compile most of the programs this book presents.

* Unlike other C++ compilers, such as Borland C++ or Microsoft Visual C++, when you compile a program using Turbo C++ Lite, you can execute the program that the compiler creates only from within the Turbo C++ Lite environment.

* To create an executable program file that you can give to another user to execute, you must compile the program with compilers such as Borland C++ or Microsoft Visual C++.


As briefly discussed, Turbo C++ Lite is an MS-DOS-based compiler. If you are using Windows, you can run the Turbo C++ Lite compiler from within a DOS window.

To install the Turbo C++ Lite compiler from within Windows, perform these steps:

1. Insert the CD-ROM that accompanies this book within your CD-ROM drive.

2. If you are using Windows 95, select the Start menu Run option. If you are using Windows 3.1, select the Program Manager File menu Run option. Windows, in turn, will display the Run dialog box.

3. Within the Run dialog box, type in the program name D:\SETUP, replacing the drive letter D with the drive letter that corresponds to your CD-ROM drive. For example, if your CD-ROM drive is drive E, type E:\SETUP. The SETUP program will display the Destination Path dialog box.

4. The Destination Path dialog box lets you specify the directory on your hard disk into which SETUP will install the Turbo C++ Lite compiler. By default, SETUP will install the files into the TCLITE directory. To use the TCLITE directory, select OK to continue. Otherwise, type in the pathname you desire and press Enter.

You are now ready to run the Turbo C++ Lite compiler as discussed in the section titled Running Turbo C++ Lite.

The Turbo C++ Lite program normally displays a code window within which you type your program statements; an output window within which Turbo C++ Lite will display your program's output; and a message window within which Turbo C++ Lite will display messages (such as syntax-error messages that tell you have mistyped a program statement). If you do not see the program, output, and message windows, select the Turbo C++ Lite Window menu and choose the Tile option. If after you tile the windows you do not see a specific window, select the Window menu and click your mouse on the option that corresponds to the window you want to display.

Compilatorul Turbo C++ LITE (arhiva locala )

Turbo C++ LITE - at