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The following table summarizes features added to JDK 1.1 and enhanced in JDK 1.2. The first column in the table identifies the trails in this tutorial in which you can find more information.
Features Added to JDK 1.1 and Enhanced in JDK 1.2
Trail Package JDK 1.1 JDK 1.2 Enhancements Internationalization java.text
java.ioHandles international languages and scripts Input method framework and minor API changes Sound java.applet
Same as for 1.0. Support for non-applet sound; more sound formats. JavaBeans java.beans
Reusable software components that can be manipulated in a GUI Runtime containment and services protocol; drag-and-drop support Security
Digital signature and message digest API. Applets confined to secure environment and digitally signed JAR files Policy-oriented architecture; API to support cryptographic services and key management; fine-grain access control for applets and applications JDBC Database Access java.sql
Standard API to issue and process SQL statements Result sets that scroll forward and backward, batch updates, persistent object storage, character stream support, and full precision java.math.BigDecimal values Remote Method Invocation java.rmi
Method-based standard API for network communications Remote object activation, downloadable socket factories, and minor enhancements JAR File Format java.util.jar
Mechanism to bundle and to sign Java program files Enhanced command line JAR tool, new API for reading and writing JAR files, ability to reference JAR files at a specified URL Java Native Interface NA Standard naming and calling conventions for native method invocation New methods for library and version management, local reference management, weak global references, array operations, string operations, reflection support, and the invocation API Reflection java.lang.reflect
Accesses information on fields, methods, and constructors of loaded classes Ability to bypass JDK 1.2 access controls The next table summarizes features added to JDK 1.2. The first column in the table identifies the trails in this tutorial in which you can find more information.
Summary of Features Added to JDK 1.2
Trail Package JDK 1.2 Collections java.util
Groups and manipulates objects of different types 2D Graphics java.awt
java.awt.printAPI for designing more interesting and user-friendly interfaces, handling color, processing images, addressing multilingual requirements, using stylized text, and printing Swing Components
javax.swing.*.*Provides a rich set of GUI components; features include model-UI separation and a pluggable look and feel
Java IDL org.omg.CORBA
org.omg.CosNamingInvokes a transparent remote operation Java Extension Mechanism NA Adds extensions to core platform Reference Objects java.lang.ref
Creates a reference to an object so a program can maintain a reference to that object after it is eligible for garbage collection Because servlets are a standard extension, not part of the JDK, they aren't mentioned in either table. To read more about servlets, see the trail Servlets.
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