Universitatea POLITEHNICA din Bucuresti Facultatea de
Electronica, Telecomunicatii si Tehnologia Informatiei . |
2011 |
2012 |
Tehnologii de Programare in Internet (TPI) |
10/05/2015 |
Urmariti permanent anunturile de pe acest site!
Recomandare generala:
- trimiteti va rog arhivele
zip/rar si documentele
doc/pdf cu o denumire care sa contina
numele autorului/autorilor si specializarea/grupa din care face/fac parte si
- asa da!: Tema_Doc_Xulescu_Ygrec_43xD_TPI.doc, TemeZuleanuPlusWescu43yD_TPI.zip, etc.
- asa nu!: teme_documentare.doc, teme.rar,
Alte materiale recomandate:
Java For Beginners
Head First Java
1. Familiarizarea
cu mediul de dezvoltare NetBeans 6.1 IDE. Recapitularea Orientarii spre Obiecte
(in limbajul Java)
2. Programarea aplicatiilor Java la
nivel socket. Fire de executie. Interfete grafice Swing
3. Programarea serviciilor Web in Java
utilizand tehnologia Java Servlet
4. Familiarizarea cu platforma software pentru Internet mobil Android
5. Tehnologia
Java ServerPages (JSP)
6. Familiarizarea cu platforma software pentru Internet mobil Windows
1. Laborator (20+ puncte)
– prezenta (20 puncte)
– diverse bonusuri (+) sunt posible
2. Proiecte (40+40 puncte)
– tehnologie client
(fie acceseaza P2 fie este de sine-statator)
– tehnologie server
Puncte de
start si mod de organizare 2015 (Teme Proiect)
3. Prezenta
curs (10
puncte bonus)
(Total 110+ puncte)
Lucrarea nr. 1 -
434Da |
431Da |
433Da |
432Da |
434Db |
431Db |
433Db |
432Db |
Sapt.2 |
Sapt.2 |
Sapt.2 |
Sapt.2 |
Sapt.3 |
Sapt.3 |
Sapt.3 |
Sapt.3 |
6 Mart. |
6 Mart. |
6 Mart. |
6 Mart. |
13 Mart. |
13 Mart. |
13 Mart. |
13 Mart. |
8.30-10.00 |
10.00-11.30 |
12.00-13.30 |
14.30-16.00 |
8.00-10.00 |
10.00-12.00 |
12.00-14.00 |
14.00-16.00 |
Lucrarea nr.
2 -
434Da |
431Da |
433Da |
432Da |
434Db |
431Db |
433Db |
432Db |
Sapt.6 |
Sapt.6 |
Sapt.6 |
Sapt.6 |
Sapt.9 |
Sapt.9 |
Sapt.9 |
Sapt.9 |
3 Apr. |
3 Apr. |
3 Apr. |
3 Apr. |
20 Apr. |
20 Apr. |
20 Apr. |
20 Apr. |
8.00-10.00 |
10.00-12.00 |
12.00-14.00 |
14.00-16.00 |
Recuperare Vineri
Pasti 10-12 / 12-14 / 14-16 |
Lucrarea nr. 3 –
434Da |
431Da |
433Da |
432Da |
434Db |
431Db |
433Db |
432Db |
Sapt.8 |
Sapt.8 |
Sapt.8 |
Sapt.8 |
Sapt.11 |
Sapt.11 |
Sapt.11 |
Sapt.11 |
17 Apr. |
17 Apr. |
17 Apr. |
17 Apr. |
4+7 Mai |
4+7 Mai |
4+7 Mai |
4+7 Mai |
8.00-10.00 |
10.00-12.00 |
12.00-14.00 |
14.00-16.00 |
Se recupereaza Luni 04.05 (14-16-18) si Joi 07.05 (15-17) |
Lucrarea nr. 4 –
etapa I de evaluare la proiecte !!!
Cerinte minimale: listing coduri esentiale (2-5 pag) + screenshoturi emulator/interfata/etc. (2-5 pag.)
Pentru bonusuri:
creare coduri noi
434Da |
431Da |
433Da |
432Da |
434Db |
431Db |
433Db |
432Db |
Sapt.12 |
Sapt.13 |
Sapt.13 |
Sapt.13 |
Sapt.11 |
Sapt.11 |
Sapt.11 |
Sapt.11 |
15 Mai |
18 Mai |
18 Mai |
18 Mai |
8 Mai |
8 Mai |
8 Mai |
8 Mai |
8.00-10.00 |
18.05 orele 14-16 si 16-18 |
8.00-10.00 |
10.00-12.00 |
12.00-14.00 |
14.00-16.00 |
Lucrarea nr. 5 –
etapa II de evaluare la proiecte !!!
434Da |
431Da |
433Da |
432Da |
434Db |
431Db |
433Db |
432Db |
Sapt.14 |
Sapt.14 |
Sapt.14 |
Sapt.14 |
Sapt.13 |
Sapt.13 |
Sapt.13 |
Sapt.13 |
29 Mai |
29 Mai |
29 Mai |
29 Mai |
22 Mai |
22 Mai |
22 Mai |
22 Mai |
8.00-10.00 |
10.00-12.00 |
12.00-14.00 |
14.00-16.00 |
8.00-10.00 |
10.00-12.00 |
12.00-14.00 |
14.00-16.00 |
Puncte de start
pentru proiecte Android in zona Gaming... (Teme Proiect)
QUIZ: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/android-ui-workshop-build-an-interactive-quiz-app--mobile-14208
QUIZ: http://www.developerfeed.com/simple-quiz-game-andriod
QUIZ cu AppInventor: http://joners-inventor.appspot.com/learn/tutorials/quizme/quizme.html
Sliding Puzzle: http://denvycom.com/blog/step-by-step-guide-on-how-to-build-your-first-slider-puzzle-game-in-cocos2d-for-android-part-1/ + http://denvycom.com/blog/step-by-step-guide-on-how-to-build-your-first-slider-puzzle-game-in-cocos2d-for-android-part-2/
Tower of Hanoi: http://www.raywenderlich.com/12065/how-to-create-a-simple-android-game
Materiale utile (din
2006): Introducere in Java
(34 pagini), Clase de biblioteca (32 pagini),
Introducere in Orientarea spre Obiecte
cu Java (44
Slide-uri 2010: 1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3,
2. Programarea aplicatiilor Java la
nivel socket. Fire de executie. Interfete grafice Swing
3. Programarea serviciilor Web in Java
utilizand tehnologia Java Servlet. Testare pe parcurs
4. Tehnologia
Java ServerPages (JSP)
5. Familiarizarea
cu platforma software pentru Internet mobil Windows Phone (C#)
6. ??? Colocviu de laborator
1. Documentatii legate de tool-uri UML si de Java EE
- limbajul WebML si tool-ul WebRatio http://discipline.elcom.pub.ro/isc/docs/webml/
- http://www.csun.edu/~twang/595WEB/Slides/WebML.pdf - 42 pag.
- http://www.csun.edu/~twang/595WEB/Slides/WebAppsModeling.pdf - 26 pag.
- http://downloads.webratio.com/6.1/WebRatio_BPM_User_Guide.pdf - 204 pag.!!!
- http://downloads.webratio.com/6.1/WebRatio_WebML_User_Guide.pdf - 1265 pag!!!
- http://www.webml.org/webml/upload/ent5/1/speProofs.pdf - 33 pag.
- Model-Driven Development of a Collaborative Web Application (PDF) – 68 pag
- http://wiki.webratio.com/index.php/Main_Page
- http://wiki.webratio.com/index.php/WebRatio_Web_Application_Architecture
+ http://wiki.webratio.com/index.php/Create_a_%22Hello_world%22_application
- http://wiki.webratio.com/index.php/How_to_create_a_BAM_Project
- http://wiki.webratio.com/index.php/Category:Web_Model
- http://wiki.webratio.com/index.php/Create_a_%22Simple_data_centric%22_web_application
- http://wiki.webratio.com/index.php/Getting_started_with_Web_Services
- http://wiki.webratio.com/index.php/The_Data_Model_Mapping
2. Documentatii legate de HTML5
- limbajul HTML5 http://www.w3schools.com/html5/default.asp
- http://www.jesusda.com/docs/ebooks/ebook_manual_en_dive-into-html5.pdf
- http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/web/tutorials/wa-html5/wa-html5-pdf.pdf
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML5
- http://www.html5rocks.com/en/
- etc.!
3. Documentatii legate de platforma Windows Phone
- platforma Windows Phone http://create.msdn.com/en-US/education/basics/developer_resources
- programare in C# care este cca 90% Java
- tematica ar fi in legatura cu cooperarea Nokia-UPB (http://saim.pub.ro)
- vezi si http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg490765.aspx
- Windows
Phone Programming in C# NOU!!! (79 MB!!!)
- Windows Phone 7 Training Course NOU!!! (210 MB!!!)
- Learn
About Windows Phone 7 Development.htm
- .NET Compact Framework How-to Topics
- Application Development in the .NET Compact Framework
- .NET Compact Framework Samples !!!
- Building a Windows Phone
Application from Start to Finish !!!
- How-To Index for Windows Phone
- Code Samples for Windows Phone !!!
- How
to: Create a Basic RSS Reader for
Windows Phone
- How
to: Create Your First Silverlight
Application for Windows Phone
- How
to: Create Your First XNA Framework
Application for Windows Phone
- Windows Phone Development Quick Starts !!!
- Accessing
a REST Web Service
- Accessing Web Services in Silverlight !!!
- How to:
Access a Service from Silverlight
- Networking and Web Services for Windows Phone NOU!!!
- How
to: Create and Use a TCP Socket Client Application for Windows Phone
- How
to: Create and Use a UDP Socket Client Application for Windows Phone
- How to:
Get Connection Information about a
Socket for Windows Phone
- How
To: Detect Network Changes for
Windows Phone
- Creating a Hosted Service for Windows Azure NOU!!!
4. Documentatii legate de platforma Windows 8
- de adaugat
5. Documentatii legate de platforma Android
- legate de platforma Android http://developer.android.com/guide/index.html
- programare in Java/C++/Linux
6. Documentatii legate de tehnologiile
- tematici legate de XML, servicii Web (WS), integrare SOA (BPEL, BPMN, ESB, etc.)
Java - http://soabook.com/
, http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596520731
- C#
/ .NET - http://www.soabooks.com/net/
- https://www.packtpub.com/SOA-WS-BPEL-PHP-Open-Source-ActiveBPEL/book
7. Documentatii legate de platforma Java EE
- http://netbeans.org/kb/trails/java-ee.html
· Introduction to Developing Web Applications
· Introduction to Java EE Technology
· Getting Started with Java EE 6 Applications
· Introduction to JavaServer Faces 2.0
E-commerce Tutorial (!!!)
· Setting up the Development Environment
· Preparing the Page Views and Controller Servlet
· Connecting the Application to the Database
· Adding Entity Classes and Session Beans
· Integrating Transactional Business Logic
EJB Technology
and Java Persistence
an Enterprise Application with EJB 3.1
an Enterprise Application Using Maven
Using Hibernate in a Web Application
Hibernate with the Java Persistence API
and JSF 1.2
a JavaServer Faces 1.2 CRUD Application from a Database
Modifying the JavaServer Faces 1.2 CRUD Application:
Part 1 - JSP Pages, Part 2 - Java Classes, Part 3 - Ajax Validation
and Running an Application Client on the GlassFish
[updated for GlassFish Server 3]
Building Secure Enterprise Beans
Profiling an Enterprise Application
Web Frameworks
· Introduction to JavaServer Faces 2.0
· Struts
· Grails
· Wicket
· Vaadin
· Adding Support For A Web Framework
· Validating and Converting User Input With JSF 1.2
· Working With Form Tags in the JSF 1.2 Framework
Pet Catalog -
Java EE 6 Sample Application
Scrum Toys -
The JSF 2.0 Complete Sample
User Authentication Web App Using
Java EE 5
Using the Java Persistence API in a Stand-Alone Web App
JSF CRUD Web Application
with Java Persistence API
Dependency Injection with Stateless Session Beans
Develop Ajax-based JSF2 applications with PrimeFaces
using Netbeans 6.8
Develop JavaEE 6
application with JSF2, EJB3 and JPA (also at dzone)
Securing JavaEE 6
application with JavaEE Security
NetBeans IDE 6.8 Generate JSF 2.0 Pages from Database
Reverse Ajax Web-Applications with DWR,
GlassFish and NetBeans
Enterprise Applications for GlassFish
using Maven and NetBeans
a Spring Framework MVC application using GlassFish
development for Glassfish using Maven2 and Spring
Possible EJB 3.1/REST (JSR 311) Component
8. Documentatii legate de tool-uri UML
- pentru JDeveloper http://discipline.elcom.pub.ro/isc/docs/jdev/
- Database
Development with JDeveloper.htm
- Defining
Business Requirements UML Use Case JDeveloper
- GettingStartedWithUMLClassModeling.pdf
modeling with JDev 10_1_3.pdf
- gettingstartedwithactivitymodeling.pdf
- pentru VisualParadigm http://discipline.elcom.pub.ro/isc/docs/VisualParadigm_VP/
(vedeti si http://discipline.elcom.pub.ro/isc/docs/VisualParadigm_VP/more/ )
- http://www.visual-paradigm.com/product/vpuml/provides/umlmodeling.jsp
- http://www.visual-paradigm.com/product/vpuml/provides/modelingtools.jsp
- http://www.visual-paradigm.com/product/vpuml/provides/docgen.jsp (generare
- http://www.visual-paradigm.com/product/vpuml/provides/codedbeng.jsp
(inginerie cod)
- VP-UML_Users_Guide.pdf (modelare
- bpva_user_guide.pdf (modelare
procese business)
- dbva_designer_guide.pdf
(modelare/dezvoltare baze de date)
- dbvasql_user_guide.pdf
(modelare/dezvoltare baze de date)
- pentru Enterprise Architect http://discipline.elcom.pub.ro/isc/docs/EA/ (!!!)
- EA - Requirements_Management_in_EA.pdf
- EA Working_with_the_RTF_generator.pdf
- EA_Database_Modeling_In_UML.pdf
- legate de platforma Qt Nokia http://qt.nokia.com/
vezi si http://qt.nokia.com/products/developer-tools/
- http://saim.pub.ro/ITNQ/
+ http://saim.pub.ro/PSNIM
- Qt este un C++ mai elegant,
ceva spre Java/C#, dezvoltarea este cross platform)
- legate de platforma Java ME
Using Visual Mobile Designer Custom Components
Creating a Touch
Enabled SVG UI for Java ME Devices
Creating a Mobile
Device File Browser
Creating Mobile
Login Screens
Creating an SMS Composer
· Creating a Personal Information Manager Application
· Using Splash Screens in Java ME Applications
· Using Table Items in Java ME Applications
· Using Wait Screens in Java ME Applications
Reference: Visual Mobile Designer Palette Guide
Creating a Web
Connected, Multi-Player Mobile Game Using NetBeans
Mobile Games with the Java ME Game Builder
Java ME Sample Applications
JavaFX Sample Applications
Restaurant Search
· Spring and Bounce Animations
Pentru feedback discutam pe
Practica la Nokia 2012 – 24 studenti de an 3 au facut practica TRIPOD la Nokia (11 saptamani)
Practica la Nokia 2011 – 30 studenti de an 3 au
facut practica TRIPOD la Nokia (14.06.2011 – 02.09.2011)
Valoarea totală cumulată a premiilor a depășit 21 000 RON
In anul 2011, mai multi participanti la cursul ITNQ si/sau Practica de vara organizate
de Nokia in cadrul laboratorului SAIM, au castigat premii pe echipa de pana la
4200 RON + smartphone Nokia N8 ( detalii la adresa http://saim.pub.ro/QtUPB )
Kituri si
documentatie: netbeans-6.1-windows.exe, jdk-6u5-windows-i586-p.exe, Javadoc.zip
Powered by NOKIA 2011-2012